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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
07 - Gurcharan Singh Rasia (Ludhiane Wale) - Wadda Tera Darbaar Various Amrit Baani Volume 2 makkarjs
07 - Niranjan Singh - Vadha Tera Darbar Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Vadha Tera Darbar HSinghDCWale
06 - Joginder Singh Riar - Waada Tera Darbaar Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Amrit Peeo Nirmal Rasna makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 964

pauVI ]
pourree ||

vfw qyrw drbwru scw quDu qKqu ]
vaddaa thaeraa dharabaar sachaa thudhh thakhath ||
The Darbaar of Your Court is glorious and great. Your holy throne is True.

isir swhw pwiqswhu inhclu cauru Cqu ]
sir saahaa paathisaahu nihachal chour shhath ||
You are the Emperor over the heads of kings. Your canopy and chauree (fly-brush) are permanent and unchanging.

jo BwvY pwrbRhm soeI scu inAwau ]
jo bhaavai paarabreham soee sach niaao ||
That alone is true justice, which is pleasing to the Will of the Supreme Lord God.

jy BwvY pwrbRhm inQwvy imlY Qwau ]
jae bhaavai paarabreham nithhaavae milai thhaao ||
Even the homeless receive a home, when it is pleasing to the Will of the Supreme Lord God.

jo kIn@I krqwir sweI BlI gl ]
jo keenhee karathaar saaee bhalee gal ||
Whatever the Creator Lord does, is a good thing.

ijn@I pCwqw Ksmu sy drgwh ml ]
jinhee pashhaathaa khasam sae dharagaah mal ||
Those who recognize their Lord and Master, are seated in the Court of the Lord.

shI qyrw Purmwnu iknY n PyrIAY ]
sehee thaeraa furamaan kinai n faereeai ||
True is Your Command; no one can challenge it.

kwrx krx krIm kudriq qyrIAY ]16]
kaaran karan kareem kudharath thaereeai ||16||
O Merciful Lord, Cause of causes, Your creative power is all-powerful. ||16||

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