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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Niranjan Singh - Ab Tab Jab Kab Tuhi Tuhi Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Hriday Naam Vasayoh HSinghDCWale
04 - Harjinder Singh - Aab Lab Jab Kab Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Mola Khel Kare HSinghDCWale
01 - Kamaljeet Singh - Ab Tab Jab Kab Tuhi Tuhi Kamaljeet Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Tuhi Tuhi admin
02 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Tuhi Tuhi Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Deen Dayal Bharose Tere HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 969

qUM myro myru prbqu suAwmI Et ghI mY qyrI ]
thoo(n) maero maer parabath suaamee outt gehee mai thaeree ||
You are my Sumayr Mountain, O my Lord and Master; I have grasped Your Support.

nw qum folhu nw hm igrqy riK lInI hir myrI ]1]
naa thum ddolahu naa ham girathae rakh leenee har maeree ||1||
You do not shake, and I do not fall. You have preserved my honor. ||1||

Ab qb jb kb quhI quhI ]
ab thab jab kab thuhee thuhee ||
Now and then, here and there, You, only You.

hm quA prswid suKI sd hI ]1] rhwau ]
ham thua parasaadh sukhee sadh hee ||1|| rehaao ||
By Your Grace, I am forever in peace. ||1||Pause||

qory Brosy mghr bisE myry qn kI qpiq buJweI ]
thorae bharosae magehar basiou maerae than kee thapath bujhaaee ||
Relying upon You, I can live even in the cursed place of Magahar; You have put out the fire of my body.

pihly drsnu mghr pwieE Puin kwsI bsy AweI ]2]
pehilae dharasan magehar paaeiou fun kaasee basae aaee ||2||
First, I obtained the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan in Magahar; then, I came to dwell at Benares. ||2||

jYsw mghru qYsI kwsI hm eykY kir jwnI ]
jaisaa magehar thaisee kaasee ham eaekai kar jaanee ||
As is Magahar, so is Benares; I see them as one and the same.

hm inrDn ijau iehu Dnu pwieAw mrqy PUit gumwnI ]3]
ham niradhhan jio eihu dhhan paaeiaa marathae foott gumaanee ||3||
I am poor, but I have obtained this wealth of the Lord; the proud are bursting with pride, and die. ||3||

krY gumwnu cuBih iqsu sUlw ko kwFn kau nwhI ]
karai gumaan chubhehi this soolaa ko kaadtan ko naahee ||
One who takes pride in himself is stuck with thorns; no one can pull them out.

AjY su coB kau ibll iblwqy nrky Gor pcwhI ]4]
ajai s chobh ko bilal bilaathae narakae ghor pachaahee ||4||
Here, he cries bitterly, and hereafter, he burns in the most hideous hell. ||4||

kvnu nrku ikAw surgu ibcwrw sMqn doaU rwdy ]
kavan narak kiaa surag bichaaraa sa(n)than dhooo raadhae ||
What is hell, and what is heaven? The Saints reject them both.

hm kwhU kI kwix n kFqy Apny gur prswdy ]5]
ham kaahoo kee kaan n kadtathae apanae gur parasaadhae ||5||
I have no obligation to either of them, by the Grace of my Guru. ||5||

Ab qau jwie cFy isMGwsin imly hY swirMgpwnI ]
ab tho jaae chadtae si(n)ghaasan milae hai saari(n)gapaanee ||
Now, I have mounted to the throne of the Lord; I have met the Lord, the Sustainer of the World.

rwm kbIrw eyk Bey hY koie n skY pCwnI ]6]3]
raam kabeeraa eaek bheae hai koe n sakai pashhaanee ||6||3||
The Lord and Kabeer have become one. No one can tell them apart. ||6||3||

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