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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Sarabjit Singh - Duniya Husiar Sarabjit Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Duniya HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 972

dunIAw husIAwr bydwr jwgq musIAq hau ry BweI ]
dhuneeaa huseeaar baedhaar jaagath museeath ho rae bhaaee ||
People of the world, remain awake and aware. Even though you are awake, you are being robbed, O Siblings of Destiny.

ingm husIAwr phrUAw dyKq jmu ly jweI ]1] rhwau ]
nigam huseeaar peharooaa dhaekhath jam lae jaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
While the Vedas stand guard watching, the Messenger of Death carries you away. ||1||Pause||

nµØIbu BieE AWbu AWbu BieE nµØIbw kylw pwkw Jwir ]
na(n)eeb bhaeiou aaa(n)b aaa(n)b bhaeiou na(n)eebaa kaelaa paakaa jhaar ||
He thinks that the bitter nimm fruit is a mango, and the mango is a bitter nimm. He imagines the ripe banana on the thorny bush.

nwlIeyr Plu sybir pwkw mUrK mugD gvwr ]1]
naaleeeaer fal saebar paakaa moorakh mugadhh gavaar ||1||
He thinks that the ripe coconut hangs on the barren simmal tree; what a stupid, idiotic fool he is! ||1||

hir BieE KWfu ryqu mih ibKirE hsqMØI cuinE n jweI ]
har bhaeiou khaa(n)dd raeth mehi bikhariou hasatha(n)ee chuniou n jaaee ||
The Lord is like sugar, spilled onto the sand; the elephant cannot pick it up.

kih kmIr kul jwiq pWiq qij cItI hoie cuin KweI ]2]3]12]
kehi kameer kul jaath paa(n)th thaj cheettee hoe chun khaaee ||2||3||12||
Says Kabeer, give up your ancestry, social status and honor; be like the tiny ant - pick up and eat the sugar. ||2||3||12||

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