This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1101
pauVI ]
pourree ||
hir jI mwqw hir jI ipqw hir jIau pRiqpwlk ]
har jee maathaa har jee pithaa har jeeo prathipaalak ||
The Dear Lord is my mother, the Dear Lord is my father; the Dear Lord cherishes and nurtures me.
hir jI myrI swr kry hm hir ky bwlk ]
har jee maeree saar karae ham har kae baalak ||
The Dear Lord takes care of me; I am the child of the Lord.
shjy shij iKlwiedw nhI krdw Awlk ]
sehajae sehaj khilaaeidhaa nehee karadhaa aalak ||
Slowly and steadily, He feeds me; He never fails.
Aaugxu ko n icqwrdw gl syqI lwiek ]
aougan ko n chithaaradhaa gal saethee laaeik ||
He does not remind me of my faults; He hugs me close in His embrace.
muih mMgW soeI dyvdw hir ipqw suKdwiek ]
muhi ma(n)gaa(n) soee dhaevadhaa har pithaa sukhadhaaeik ||
Whatever I ask for, He give me; the Lord is my peace-giving father.
igAwnu rwis nwmu Dnu sauipEnu iesu saudy lwiek ]
giaan raas naam dhhan soupioun eis soudhae laaeik ||
He has blessed me with the capital, the wealth of spiritual wisdom; He has made me worthy of this merchandise.
swJI gur nwil bhwilAw srb suK pwiek ]
saajhee gur naal behaaliaa sarab sukh paaeik ||
He has made me a partner with the Guru; I have obtained all peace and comforts.
mY nwlhu kdy n ivCuVY hir ipqw sBnw glw lwiek ]21]
mai naalahu kadhae n vishhurrai har pithaa sabhanaa galaa laaeik ||21||
He is with me, and shall never separate from me; the Lord, my father, is potent to do everything. ||21||