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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
07 - Harjinder Singh - Sun Shabad Tumara Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Kab Gal Lawenge HSinghDCWale
06 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Deho Daras Prabh Mere Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Ram Ben Bajai HSinghDCWale
01 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Nirgun Raakh Liya Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Nirgun Raakh Liya HSinghDCWale
06 - Niranjan Singh - Nirgun Raakh Liya Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Tu Mero Piyaro HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Tukhaari on Pannaa 1117

quKwrI CMq mhlw 5
thukhaaree shha(n)th mehalaa 5
Tukhaari Chhant, Fifth Mehla:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Goil GumweI lwlnw guir mnu dInw ]
ghol ghumaaee laalanaa gur man dheenaa ||
O my Beloved, I am a sacrifice to You. Through the Guru, I have dedicated my mind to You.

suix sbdu qumwrw myrw mnu BInw ]
sun sabadh thumaaraa maeraa man bheenaa ||
Hearing the Word of Your Shabad, my mind is enraptured.

iehu mnu BInw ijau jl mInw lwgw rMgu murwrw ]
eihu man bheenaa jio jal meenaa laagaa ra(n)g muraaraa ||
This mind is enraptured, like the fish in the water; it is lovingly attached to the Lord.

kImiq khI n jweI Twkur qyrw mhlu Apwrw ]
keemath kehee n jaaee t(h)aakur thaeraa mehal apaaraa ||
Your Worth cannot be described, O my Lord and Master; Your Mansion is Incomparable and Unrivalled.

sgl guxw ky dwqy suAwmI ibnau sunhu iek dInw ]
sagal gunaa kae dhaathae suaamee bino sunahu eik dheenaa ||
O Giver of all Virtue, O my Lord and Master, please hear the prayer of this humble person.

dyhu drsu nwnk bilhwrI jIAVw bil bil kInw ]1]
dhaehu dharas naanak balihaaree jeearraa bal bal keenaa ||1||
Please bless Nanak with the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You. ||1||

iehu qnu mnu qyrw siB gux qyry ]
eihu than man thaeraa sabh gun thaerae ||
This body and mind are Yours; all virtues are Yours.

KMnIAY vM\w drsn qyry ]
kha(n)neeai va(n)n(j)aa dharasan thaerae ||
I am a sacrifice, every little bit, to Your Darshan.

drsn qyry suix pRB myry inmK idRsit pyiK jIvw ]
dharasan thaerae sun prabh maerae nimakh dhrisatt paekh jeevaa ||
Please hear me, O my Lord God; I live only by seeing Your Vision, even if only for an instant.

AMimRq nwmu sunIjY qyrw ikrpw krih q pIvw ]
a(n)mrith naam suneejai thaeraa kirapaa karehi th peevaa ||
I have heard that Your Name is the most Ambrosial Nectar; please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may drink it in.

Aws ipAwsI ipr kY qweI ijau cwiqRku bUMdyry ]
aas piaasee pir kai thaaee jio chaathrik boo(n)dhaerae ||
My hopes and desires rest in You, O my Husband Lord; like the rainbird, I long for the rain-drop.

khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI dyhu drsu pRB myry ]2]
kahu naanak jeearraa balihaaree dhaehu dharas prabh maerae ||2||
Says Nanak, my soul is a sacrifice to You; please bless me with Your Darshan, O my Lord God. ||2||

qU swcw swihbu swhu Aimqw ]
thoo saachaa saahib saahu amithaa ||
You are my True Lord and Master, O Infinite King.

qU pRIqmu ipAwrw pRwn ihq icqw ]
thoo preetham piaaraa praan hith chithaa ||
You are my Dear Beloved, so dear to my life and consciousness.

pRwn suKdwqw gurmuiK jwqw sgl rMg bin Awey ]
praan sukhadhaathaa guramukh jaathaa sagal ra(n)g ban aaeae ||
You bring peace to my soul; You are known to the Gurmukh. All are blessed by Your Love.

soeI krmu kmwvY pRwxI jyhw qU Purmwey ]
soee karam kamaavai praanee jaehaa thoo furamaaeae ||
The mortal does only those deeds which You ordain, Lord.

jw kau ik®pw krI jgdIsuir iqin swDsMig mnu ijqw ]
jaa ko kirapaa karee jagadheesur thin saadhhasa(n)g man jithaa ||
One who is blessed by Your Grace, O Lord of the Universe, conquers his mind in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

khu nwnk jIAVw bilhwrI jIau ipMfu qau idqw ]3]
kahu naanak jeearraa balihaaree jeeo pi(n)dd tho dhithaa ||3||
Says Nanak, my soul is a sacrifice to You; You gave me my soul and body. ||3||

inrguxu rwiK lIAw sMqn kw sdkw ]
niragun raakh leeaa sa(n)than kaa sadhakaa ||
I am unworthy, but He has saved me, for the sake of the Saints.

siqguir Fwik lIAw moih pwpI pVdw ]
sathigur dtaak leeaa mohi paapee parradhaa ||
The True Guru has covered by faults; I am such a sinner.

Fwknhwry pRBU hmwry jIA pRwn suKdwqy ]
dtaakanehaarae prabhoo hamaarae jeea praan sukhadhaathae ||
God has covered for me; He is the Giver of the soul, life and peace.

AibnwsI Aibgq suAwmI pUrn purK ibDwqy ]
abinaasee abigath suaamee pooran purakh bidhhaathae ||
My Lord and Master is Eternal and Unchanging, Ever-present; He is the Perfect Creator, the Architect of Destiny.

ausqiq khnu n jwie qumwrI kauxu khY qU kd kw ]
ousathath kehan n jaae thumaaree koun kehai thoo kadh kaa ||
Your Praise cannot be described; who can say where You are?

nwnk dwsu qw kY bilhwrI imlY nwmu hir inmkw ]4]1]11]
naanak dhaas thaa kai balihaaree milai naam har nimakaa ||4||1||11||
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to the one who blesses him with the Lord's Name, even for an instant. ||4||1||11||

This translation is an updated version.

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