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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Joginder Singh Riar - Naam Ke Byapaari Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Naam Ke Byapaari Vol 12 HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Kaydaaraa on Pannaa 1123

iknhI bnijAw kWsI qWbw iknhI laug supwrI ]
kinehee banajiaa kaa(n)see thaa(n)baa kinehee loug supaaree ||
Some deal in bronze and copper, some in cloves and betel nuts.

sMqhu bnijAw nwmu goibd kw AYsI Kyp hmwrI ]1]
sa(n)thahu banajiaa naam gobidh kaa aisee khaep hamaaree ||1||
The Saints deal in the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe. Such is my merchandise as well. ||1||

hir ky nwm ky ibAwpwrI ]
har kae naam kae biaapaaree ||
I am a trader in the Name of the Lord.

hIrw hwiQ ciVAw inrmolku CUit geI sMswrI ]1] rhwau ]
heeraa haathh charriaa niramolak shhoott gee sa(n)saaree ||1|| rehaao ||
The priceless diamond has come into my hands. I have left the world behind. ||1||Pause||

swcy lwey qau sc lwgy swcy ky ibauhwrI ]
saachae laaeae tho sach laagae saachae kae biouhaaree ||
When the True Lord attached me, then I was attached to Truth. I am a trader of the True Lord.

swcI bsqu ky Bwr clwey phucy jwie BMfwrI ]2]
saachee basath kae bhaar chalaaeae pahuchae jaae bha(n)ddaaree ||2||
I have loaded the commodity of Truth; It has reached the Lord, the Treasurer. ||2||

Awpih rqn jvwhr mwink AwpY hY pwswrI ]
aapehi rathan javaahar maanik aapai hai paasaaree ||
He Himself is the pearl, the jewel, the ruby; He Himself is the jeweller.

AwpY dh ids Awp clwvY inhclu hY ibAwpwrI ]3]
aapai dheh dhis aap chalaavai nihachal hai biaapaaree ||3||
He Himself spreads out in the ten directions. The Merchant is Eternal and Unchanging. ||3||

mnu kir bYlu suriq kir pYfw igAwn goin Bir fwrI ]
man kar bail surath kar paiddaa giaan gon bhar ddaaree ||
My mind is the bull, and meditation is the road; I have filled my packs with spiritual wisdom, and loaded them on the bull.

khqu kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu inbhI Kyp hmwrI ]4]2]
kehath kabeer sunahu rae sa(n)thahu nibehee khaep hamaaree ||4||2||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: my merchandise has reached its destination! ||4||2||

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