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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
Arvinderpal Singh - Deen Duniya Teri Tek Arvinderpal Singh Shabad Gurbani HSinghDCWale
02 - Niranjan Singh - Deen Duniya Teri Tek Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Deen Duniya HSinghDCWale
02 - Mohinderjeet Singh - Deen Duniya Teri Tek Mohinderjeet Singh (Delhi Wale) Mohe Garib Kou Leho Ralaye nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bhairao on Pannaa 1147

BYrau mhlw 5 ]
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehla:

qyrI tyk rhw kil mwih ]
thaeree ttaek rehaa kal maahi ||
With Your Support, I survive in the Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

qyrI tyk qyry gux gwih ]
thaeree ttaek thaerae gun gaahi ||
With Your Support, I sing Your Glorious Praises.

qyrI tyk n pohY kwlu ]
thaeree ttaek n pohai kaal ||
With Your Support, death cannot even touch me.

qyrI tyk ibnsY jMjwlu ]1]
thaeree ttaek binasai ja(n)jaal ||1||
With Your Support, my entanglements vanish. ||1||

dIn dunIAw qyrI tyk ]
dheen dhuneeaa thaeree ttaek ||
In this world and the next, I have Your Support.

sB mih rivAw swihbu eyk ]1] rhwau ]
sabh mehi raviaa saahib eaek ||1|| rehaao ||
The One Lord, our Lord and Master, is all-pervading. ||1||Pause||

qyrI tyk krau Awnµd ]
thaeree ttaek karo aana(n)dh ||
With Your Support, I celebrate blissfully.

qyrI tyk jpau gur mMq ]
thaeree ttaek japo gur ma(n)th ||
With Your Support, I chant the Guru's Mantra.

qyrI tyk qrIAY Bau swgru ]
thaeree ttaek thareeai bho saagar ||
With Your Support, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

rwKxhwru pUrw suK swgru ]2]
raakhanehaar pooraa sukh saagar ||2||
The Perfect Lord, our Protector and Savior, is the Ocean of Peace. ||2||

qyrI tyk nwhI Bau koie ]
thaeree ttaek naahee bho koe ||
With Your Support, I have no fear.

AMqrjwmI swcw soie ]
a(n)tharajaamee saachaa soe ||
The True Lord is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts.

qyrI tyk qyrw min qwxu ]
thaeree ttaek thaeraa man thaan ||
With Your Support, my mind is filled with Your Power.

eIhW aUhW qU dIbwxu ]3]
eehaa(n) oohaa(n) thoo dheebaan ||3||
Here and there, You are my Court of Appeal. ||3||

qyrI tyk qyrw Brvwsw ]
thaeree ttaek thaeraa bharavaasaa ||
I take Your Support, and place my faith in You.

sgl iDAwvih pRB guxqwsw ]
sagal dhhiaavehi prabh gunathaasaa ||
All meditate on God, the Treasure of Virtue.

jip jip Andu krih qyry dwsw ]
jap jap anadh karehi thaerae dhaasaa ||
Chanting and meditating on You, Your slaves celebrate in bliss.

ismir nwnk swcy guxqwsw ]4]26]39]
simar naanak saachae gunathaasaa ||4||26||39||
Nanak meditates in remembrance on the True Lord, the Treasure of Virtue. ||4||26||39||

This translation is an updated version.

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