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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Ab Kullo Aayo Re Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Ram Naam Gun Gaye Le Mita HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Basant on Pannaa 1185

bsMqu mhlw 5
basa(n)th mehalaa 5
Basant, Fifth Mehla:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

dyKu PUl PUl PUly ]
dhaekh fool fool foolae ||
Behold the flowers flowering, and the blossoms blossoming forth!

AhM iqAwig iqAwgy ]
aha(n) thiaag thiaagae ||
Renounce and abandon your egotism.

crn kml pwgy ]
charan kamal paagae ||
Grasp hold of His Lotus Feet.

qum imlhu pRB sBwgy ]
thum milahu prabh sabhaagae ||
Meet with God, O blessed one.

hir cyiq mn myry ] rhwau ]
har chaeth man maerae || rehaao ||
O my mind, remain conscious of the Lord. ||Pause||

sGn bwsu kUly ]
saghan baas koolae ||
The tender young plants smell so good,

ieik rhy sUik kTUly ]
eik rehae sook kat(h)oolae ||
while others remain like dry wood.

bsMq ruiq AweI ]
basa(n)th ruth aaee ||
The season of spring has come;

prPUlqw rhy ]1]
parafoolathaa rehae ||1||
it blossoms forth luxuriantly. ||1||

Ab klU AwieE ry ]
ab kaloo aaeiou rae ||
Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come.

ieku nwmu bovhu bovhu ]
eik naam bovahu bovahu ||
Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.

An rUiq nwhI nwhI ]
an rooth naahee naahee ||
It is not the season to plant other seeds.

mqu Brim BUlhu BUlhu ]
math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu ||
Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion.

gur imly hir pwey ] ijsu msqik hY lyKw ]
gur milae har paaeae || jis masathak hai laekhaa ||
One who has such destiny written on his forehead, shall meet with the Guru and find the Lord.

mn ruiq nwm ry ]
man ruth naam rae ||
O mortal, this is the season of the Naam.

gun khy nwnk hir hry hir hry ]2]18]
gun kehae naanak har harae har harae ||2||18||
Nanak utters the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har. ||2||18||

This translation is an updated version.

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