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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Niranjan Singh - Murit Kao Bal Jao Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Vadha Tera Darbar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Saarang on Pannaa 1202

swrMg mhlw 5 caupdy Gru 1
saara(n)g mehalaa 5 choupadhae ghar 1
Saarang, Fifth Mehla, Chau-Paday, First House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

siqgur mUriq kau bil jwau ]
sathigur moorath ko bal jaao ||
I am a sacrifice to the Image of the True Guru.

AMqir ipAws cwiqRk ijau jl kI sPl drsnu kid pWau ]1] rhwau ]
a(n)thar piaas chaathrik jio jal kee safal dharasan kadh paa(n)o ||1|| rehaao ||
My inner being is filled with a great thirst, like that of the song-bird for water. When shall I find the Fruitful Vision of His Darshan? ||1||Pause||

AnwQw ko nwQu srb pRiqpwlku Bgiq vClu hir nwau ]
anaathhaa ko naathh sarab prathipaalak bhagath vashhal har naao ||
He is the Master of the masterless, the Cherisher of all. He is the Lover of the devotees of His Name.

jw kau koie n rwKY pRwxI iqsu qU dyih Asrwau ]1]
jaa ko koe n raakhai praanee this thoo dhaehi asaraao ||1||
That mortal, whom no one can protect - You bless him with Your Support, O Lord. ||1||

inDirAw Dr ingiqAw giq inQwivAw qU Qwau ]
nidhhariaa dhhar nigathiaa gath nithhaaviaa thoo thhaao ||
Support of the unsupported, Saving Grace of the unsaved, Home of the homeless.

dh ids jWau qhW qU sMgy qyrI kIriq krm kmwau ]2]
dheh dhis jaa(n)o thehaa(n) thoo sa(n)gae thaeree keerath karam kamaao ||2||
Wherever I go in the ten directions, You are there with me. The only thing I do is sing the Kirtan of Your Praises. ||2||

eyksu qy lwK lwK qy eykw qyrI giq imiq kih n skwau ]
eaekas thae laakh laakh thae eaekaa thaeree gath mith kehi n sakaao ||
From Your Oneness, You become tens of thousands, and from tens of thousands, You become One. I cannot describe Your state and extent.

qU byAMqu qyrI imiq nhI pweIAY sBu qyro Kylu idKwau ]3]
thoo baea(n)th thaeree mith nehee paaeeai sabh thaero khael dhikhaao ||3||
You are Infinite - Your value cannot be appraised. Everything I see is Your play. ||3||

swDn kw sMgu swD isau gosit hir swDn isau ilv lwau ]
saadhhan kaa sa(n)g saadhh sio gosatt har saadhhan sio liv laao ||
I speak with the Company of the Holy; I am in love with the Holy people of the Lord.

jn nwnk pwieAw hY gurmiq hir dyhu drsu min cwau ]4]1]
jan naanak paaeiaa hai guramath har dhaehu dharas man chaao ||4||1||
Servant Nanak has found the Lord through the Guru's Teachings; please bless me with Your Blessed Vision; O Lord, my mind yearns for it. ||4||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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