This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Saarang on Pannaa 1213
swrg mhlw 5 ]
saarag mehalaa 5 ||
Saarang, Fifth Mehla:
pRBu myro ieq auq sdw shweI ]
prabh maero eith outh sadhaa sehaaee ||
Here and hereafter, God is forever my Help and Support.
mnmohnu myry jIA ko ipAwro kvn khw gun gweI ]1] rhwau ]
manamohan maerae jeea ko piaaro kavan kehaa gun gaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
He is the Enticer of my mind, the Beloved of my soul. What Glorious Praises of His can I sing and chant? ||1||Pause||
Kyil iKlwie lwf lwfwvY sdw sdw AndweI ]
khael khilaae laadd laaddaavai sadhaa sadhaa anadhaaee ||
He plays with me, He fondles and caresses me. Forever and ever, He blesses me with bliss.
pRiqpwlY bwirk kI inAweI jYsy mwq ipqweI ]1]
prathipaalai baarik kee niaaee jaisae maath pithaaee ||1||
He cherishes me, like the father and the mother love their child. ||1||
iqsu ibnu inmK nhI rih skIAY ibsir n kbhU jweI ]
this bin nimakh nehee rehi sakeeai bisar n kabehoo jaaee ||
I cannot survive without Him, even for an instant; I shall never forget Him.
khu nwnk imil sMqsMgiq qy mgn Bey ilv lweI ]2]25]48]
kahu naanak mil sa(n)thasa(n)gath thae magan bheae liv laaee ||2||25||48||
Says Nanak, joining the Society of the Saints, I am enraptured, lovingly attuned to my Lord. ||2||25||48||
This translation is an updated version.