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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Harjinder Singh - Satsangat Miley So Tareya Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Satsangat Milley So Tareya HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in So Dar on Pannaa 10

rwgu gUjrI mhlw 5 ]
raag goojaree mehalaa 5 ||
Raag Goojaree, Fifth Mehla:

kwhy ry mn icqvih audmu jw Awhir hir jIau pirAw ]
kaahae rae man chithavehi oudham jaa aahar har jeeo pariaa ||
Why, O mind, do you plot and plan, when the Dear Lord Himself provides for your care?

sYl pQr mih jMq aupwey qw kw irjku AwgY kir DirAw ]1]
sail pathhar mehi ja(n)th oupaaeae thaa kaa rijak aagai kar dhhariaa ||1||
From rocks and stones He created living beings; He places their nourishment before them. ||1||

myry mwDau jI sqsMgiq imly su qirAw ]
maerae maadhho jee sathasa(n)gath milae s thariaa ||
O my Dear Lord of souls, one who joins the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, is saved.

gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw sUky kwst hirAw ]1] rhwau ]
gur parasaadh param padh paaeiaa sookae kaasatt hariaa ||1|| rehaao ||
By Guru's Grace, the supreme status is obtained, and the dry wood blossoms forth again in lush greenery. ||1||Pause||

jnin ipqw lok suq binqw koie n iks kI DirAw ]
janan pithaa lok suth banithaa koe n kis kee dhhariaa ||
Mothers, fathers, friends, children and spouses-no one is the support of anyone else.

isir isir irjku sMbwhy Twkuru kwhy mn Bau kirAw ]2]
sir sir rijak sa(n)baahae t(h)aakur kaahae man bho kariaa ||2||
For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? ||2||

aUfy aUif AwvY sY kosw iqsu pwCY bcry CirAw ]
ooddae oodd aavai sai kosaa this paashhai bacharae shhariaa ||
The flamingoes fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind.

iqn kvxu KlwvY kvxu cugwvY mn mih ismrnu kirAw ]3]
thin kavan khalaavai kavan chugaavai man mehi simaran kariaa ||3||
Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind? ||3||

siB inDwn ds Ast isDwn Twkur kr ql DirAw ]
sabh nidhhaan dhas asatt sidhhaan t(h)aakur kar thal dhhariaa ||
All the nine treasures, and the eighteen supernatural powers are held by our Lord and Master in the Palm of His Hand.

jn nwnk bil bil sd bil jweIAY qyrw AMqu n pwrwvirAw ]4]5]
jan naanak bal bal sadh bal jaaeeai thaeraa a(n)th n paaraavariaa ||4||5||
Servant Nanak is devoted, dedicated, forever a sacrifice to You, Lord. Your Expanse has no limit, no boundary. ||4||5||

This translation is an updated version.

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