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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Mann Ek Na Chetas Moorh Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Ram Simar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in So Purakh on Pannaa 12

Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehla:

iqqu srvrVY BeIly invwsw pwxI pwvku iqnih kIAw ]
thith saravararrai bheelae nivaasaa paanee paavak thinehi keeaa ||
In that pool, people have made their homes, but the water there is as hot as fire!

pMkju moh pgu nhI cwlY hm dyKw qh fUbIAly ]1]
pa(n)kaj moh pag nehee chaalai ham dhaekhaa theh ddoobeealae ||1||
In the swamp of emotional attachment, their feet cannot move. I have seen them drowning there. ||1||

mn eyku n cyqis mUV mnw ]
man eaek n chaethas moorr manaa ||
In your mind, you do not remember the One Lord-you fool!

hir ibsrq qyry gux gilAw ]1] rhwau ]
har bisarath thaerae gun galiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
You have forgotten the Lord; your virtues shall wither away. ||1||Pause||

nw hau jqI sqI nhI piVAw mUrK mugDw jnmu BieAw ]
naa ho jathee sathee nehee parriaa moorakh mugadhhaa janam bhaeiaa ||
I am not celibate, nor truthful, nor scholarly. I was born foolish and ignorant into this world.

pRxviq nwnk iqn kI srxw ijn qU nwhI vIsirAw ]2]3]
pranavath naanak thin kee saranaa jin thoo naahee veesariaa ||2||3||
Prays Nanak, I seek the Sanctuary of those who have not forgotten You, O Lord! ||2||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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