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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
09 - 50 GYORS - Beet Jai Hai - Manna Dey Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume II makkarjs
02 - Harjinder Singh - Beet Jehai Beet Jehai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Ram Naam Gun Gaye Le Mita HSinghDCWale
03 - Anoop Singh - Beet Jaihai Beet Jaihai Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Jhoothi Dekhi Preet admin


This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Raag Jaijaavantee on Pannaa 1352

jYjwvMqI mhlw 9 ]
jaijaava(n)thee mehalaa 9 ||
Jaijaavantee, Ninth Mehla:

bIq jYhY bIq jYhY jnmu Akwju ry ]
beeth jaihai beeth jaihai janam akaaj rae ||
Slipping away - your life is uselessly slipping away.

inis idnu suin kY purwn smJq nh ry Ajwn ]
nis dhin sun kai puraan samajhath neh rae ajaan ||
Night and day, you listen to the Puraanas, but you do not understand them, you ignorant fool!

kwlu qau phUicE Awin khw jYhY Bwij ry ]1] rhwau ]
kaal tho pehoochiou aan kehaa jaihai bhaaj rae ||1|| rehaao ||
Death has arrived; now where will you run? ||1||Pause||

AsiQru jo mwinE dyh so qau qyrau hoie hY Kyh ]
asathhir jo maaniou dhaeh so tho thaero hoe hai khaeh ||
You believed that this body was permanent, but it shall turn to dust.

ikau n hir ko nwmu lyih mUrK inlwj ry ]1]
kio n har ko naam laehi moorakh nilaaj rae ||1||
Why don't you chant the Name of the Lord, you shameless fool? ||1||

rwm Bgiq hIey Awin Cwif dy qY mn ko mwnu ]
raam bhagath heeeae aan shhaadd dhae thai man ko maan ||
Let devotional worship of the Lord enter into your heart, and abandon the intellectualism of your mind.

nwnk jn ieh bKwin jg mih ibrwju ry ]2]4]
naanak jan eih bakhaan jag mehi biraaj rae ||2||4||
O Servant Nanak, this is the way to live in the world. ||2||4||

This translation is an updated version.

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