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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Milai Mera Satgur Pyaara Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Satgur Pyaara Preetum Pyaara HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 168

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ]
gourree bairaagan mehalaa 4 ||
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehla:

ijsu imilAY min hoie Anµdu so siqguru khIAY ]
jis miliai man hoe ana(n)dh so sathigur keheeai ||
Meeting Him, the mind is filled with bliss. He is called the True Guru.

mn kI duibDw ibnis jwie hir prm pdu lhIAY ]1]
man kee dhubidhhaa binas jaae har param padh leheeai ||1||
Double-mindedness departs, and the supreme status of the Lord is obtained. ||1||

myrw siqguru ipAwrw ikqu ibiD imlY ]
maeraa sathigur piaaraa kith bidhh milai ||
How can I meet my Beloved True Guru?

hau iKnu iKnu krI nmskwru myrw guru pUrw ikau imlY ]1] rhwau ]
ho khin khin karee namasakaar maeraa gur pooraa kio milai ||1|| rehaao ||
Each and every moment, I humbly bow to Him. How will I meet my Perfect Guru? ||1||Pause||

kir ikrpw hir myilAw myrw siqguru pUrw ]
kar kirapaa har maeliaa maeraa sathigur pooraa ||
Granting His Grace, the Lord has led me to meet my Perfect True Guru.

ieC puMnI jn kyrIAw ly siqgur DUrw ]2]
eishh pu(n)nee jan kaereeaa lae sathigur dhhooraa ||2||
The desire of His humble servant has been fulfilled. I have received the dust of the Feet of the True Guru. ||2||

hir Bgiq idRVwvY hir Bgiq suxY iqsu siqgur imlIAY ]
har bhagath dhrirraavai har bhagath sunai this sathigur mileeai ||
Those who meet the True Guru implant devotional worship to the Lord, and listen to this devotional worship of the Lord.

qotw mUil n AwveI hir lwBu iniq idRVIAY ]3]
thottaa mool n aavee har laabh nith dhrirreeai ||3||
They never suffer any loss; they continually earn the profit of the Lord. ||3||

ijs kau irdY ivgwsu hY Bwau dUjw nwhI ]
jis ko ridhai vigaas hai bhaao dhoojaa naahee ||
One whose heart blossoms forth, is not in love with duality.

nwnk iqsu gur imil auDrY hir gux gwvwhI ]4]8]14]52]
naanak this gur mil oudhharai har gun gaavaahee ||4||8||14||52||
O Nanak, meeting the Guru, one is saved, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||4||8||14||52||

This translation is an updated version.

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