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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - So Sukh Mokah Sant Batavoh Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Sabh Kichh Ghar Mein Baahar Nahi HSinghDCWale
06 - Harjinder Singh - So Sukh Mo Kau Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Nanak Dukhia Sabh Sansar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 179

gauVI guAwryrI mhlw 5 ]
gourree guaaraeree mehalaa 5 ||
Gauree Gwaarayree, Fifth Mehla:

bhu rMg mwieAw bhu ibiD pyKI ]
bahu ra(n)g maaeiaa bahu bidhh paekhee ||
I have gazed upon the many forms of Maya, in so many ways.

klm kwgd isAwnp lyKI ]
kalam kaagadh siaanap laekhee ||
With pen and paper, I have written clever things.

mhr mlUk hoie dyiKAw Kwn ]
mehar malook hoe dhaekhiaa khaan ||
I have seen what it is to be a chief, a king, and an emperor,

qw qy nwhI mnu iqRpqwn ]1]
thaa thae naahee man thripathaan ||1||
but they do not satisfy the mind. ||1||

so suKu mo kau sMq bqwvhu ]
so sukh mo ko sa(n)th bathaavahu ||
Show me that peace, O Saints,

iqRsnw bUJY mnu iqRpqwvhu ]1] rhwau ]
thrisanaa boojhai man thripathaavahu ||1|| rehaao ||
which will quench my thirst and satisfy my mind. ||1||Pause||

Asu pvn hsiq AsvwrI ]
as pavan hasath asavaaree ||
You may have horses as fast as the wind, elephants to ride on,

coAw cMdnu syj suMdir nwrI ]
choaa cha(n)dhan saej su(n)dhar naaree ||
sandalwood oil, and beautiful women in bed,

nt nwitk AwKwry gwieAw ]
natt naattik aakhaarae gaaeiaa ||
actors in dramas, singing in theaters

qw mih min sMqoKu n pwieAw ]2]
thaa mehi man sa(n)thokh n paaeiaa ||2||
- but even with them, the mind does not find contentment. ||2||

qKqu sBw mMfn dolIcy ]
thakhath sabhaa ma(n)ddan dholeechae ||
You may have a throne at the royal court, with beautiful decorations and soft carpets,

sgl myvy suMdr bwgIcy ]
sagal maevae su(n)dhar baageechae ||
all sorts of luscious fruits and beautiful gardens,

AwKyV ibriq rwjn kI lIlw ]
aakhaerr birath raajan kee leelaa ||
the excitement of the chase and princely pleasures

mnu n suhylw prpMcu hIlw ]3]
man n suhaelaa parapa(n)ch heelaa ||3||
- but still, the mind is not made happy by such illusory diversions. ||3||

kir ikrpw sMqn scu kihAw ]
kar kirapaa sa(n)than sach kehiaa ||
In their kindness, the Saints have told me of the True One,

srb sUK iehu Awnµdu lihAw ]
sarab sookh eihu aana(n)dh lehiaa ||
and so I have obtained all comforts and joy.

swDsMig hir kIrqnu gweIAY ]
saadhhasa(n)g har keerathan gaaeeai ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I sing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.

khu nwnk vfBwgI pweIAY ]4]
kahu naanak vaddabhaagee paaeeai ||4||
Says Nanak, through great good fortune, I have found this. ||4||

jw kY hir Dnu soeI suhylw ]
jaa kai har dhhan soee suhaelaa ||
One who obtains the wealth of the Lord becomes happy.

pRB ikrpw qy swDsMig mylw ]1] rhwau dUjw ]12]81]
prabh kirapaa thae saadhhasa(n)g maelaa ||1|| rehaao dhoojaa ||12||81||
By God's Grace, I have joined the Saadh Sangat. ||1||Second Pause||12||81||

This translation is an updated version.

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