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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Gurmeet Singh & Baljit Singh - Mil Sangat Dhan Dhan Karo Gurmeet Singh & Baljit Singh Aaj More Aayen Hain makkarjs


This Shabad is by Bhatt Bal in Svaiyay Mehl 5 on Pannaa 1405

ijh siqgur ismrMq nXn ky iqmr imtih iKnu ]
jih sathigur simara(n)th nayan kae thimar mittehi khin ||
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru - the darkness of their eyes is removed in an instant.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ irdY hir nwmu idno idnu ]
jih sathigur simara(n)thh ridhai har naam dhino dhin ||
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru within their hearts, are blessed with the Lord's Name, day by day.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ jIA kI qpiq imtwvY ]
jih sathigur simara(n)thh jeea kee thapath mittaavai ||
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru within their souls - the fire of desire is extinguished for them.

ijh siqgur ismrMiQ iriD isiD nv iniD pwvY ]
jih sathigur simara(n)thh ridhh sidhh nav nidhh paavai ||
Those who meditate in remembrance on the True Guru, are blessed with wealth and prosperity, supernatural spiritual powers and the nine treasures.

soeI rwmdwsu guru blī Bix imil sMgiq DMin DMin krhu ]
soee raamadhaas gur baly bhan mil sa(n)gath dhha(n)n dhha(n)n karahu ||
So speaks BALL the poet: Blessed is Guru Raam Daas; joining the Sangat, the Congregation, call Him blessed and great.

ijh siqgur lig pRBu pweIAY so siqguru ismrhu nrhu ]5]54]
jih sathigur lag prabh paaeeai so sathigur simarahu narahu ||5||54||
Meditate on the True Guru, O men, through Whom the Lord is obtained. ||5||54||

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