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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Anoop Singh - Gun Gobind Gaayo Nahin Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Vichhorha Sabna HSinghDCWale
13 - 50 GYORS - Gur Gobind Gayio Nahin - Mohd Rafi & Neelam Sahni Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume II makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Salok Mehl 9 on Pannaa 1426

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mhlw 9 ]
salok mehalaa 9 ||
Salok, Ninth Mehla:

gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ]
gun gobi(n)dh gaaeiou nehee janam akaarathh keen ||
If you do not sing the Praises of the Lord, your life is rendered useless.

khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1]
kahu naanak har bhaj manaa jih bidhh jal ko meen ||1||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; immerse your mind in Him, like the fish in the water. ||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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