This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 186
gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5 ||
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:
jw kw mIqu swjnu hY smIAw ]
jaa kaa meeth saajan hai sameeaa ||
Those who have the Lord as their Friend and Companion
iqsu jn kau khu kw kI kmIAw ]1]
this jan ko kahu kaa kee kameeaa ||1||
- tell me, what else do they need? ||1||
jw kI pRIiq goibMd isau lwgI ]
jaa kee preeth gobi(n)dh sio laagee ||
Those who are in love with the Lord of the Universe
dUKu drdu BRmu qw kw BwgI ]1] rhwau ]
dhookh dharadh bhram thaa kaa bhaagee ||1|| rehaao ||
- pain, suffering and doubt run away from them. ||1||Pause||
jw kau rsu hir rsu hY AwieE ]
jaa ko ras har ras hai aaeiou ||
Those who have enjoyed the flavor of the Lord's sublime essence
so An rs nwhI lptwieE ]2]
so an ras naahee lapattaaeiou ||2||
are not attracted to any other pleasures. ||2||
jw kw kihAw drgh clY ]
jaa kaa kehiaa dharageh chalai ||
Those whose speech is accepted in the Court of the Lord
so iks kau ndir lY AwvY qlY ]3]
so kis ko nadhar lai aavai thalai ||3||
- what do they care about anything else? ||3||
jw kw sBu ikCu qw kw hoie ]
jaa kaa sabh kishh thaa kaa hoe ||
Those who belong to the One, unto whom all things belong
nwnk qw kau sdw suKu hoie ]4]33]102]
naanak thaa ko sadhaa sukh hoe ||4||33||102||
- O Nanak, they find a lasting peace. ||4||33||102||
This translation is an updated version.