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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Mohinderjeet Singh - Ram Kabir Bhed Na Mohinderjeet Singh (Delhi Wale) Chal Re Baikunth HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 10

hoie ibrkqu bnwrsI rihMdw rwmwnµd gusweIN]
hoe birakath banaarasee rehi(n)dhaa raamaana(n)dh gusaaee(n)a||
Being detached from the world, Brahmin Ramanand lived in Varanasi (Kasi).

AMimRq vyly aiuT kY jWdw gMgw nHwvx qweIN]
a(n)mrith vaelae ouaiut(h) kai jaa(n)dhaa ga(n)gaa nhaavan thaaee(n)a||
He would rise early in the morning and go to the Ganges to bathe.

Ago hI dy jwie kY lµmw ipAw kbIr iqQweIN]
ago hee dhae jaae kai la(n)maa piaa kabeer thithhaaee(n)a||
Once even before Ramanand, Kabir went there and lay in the way.

pYrI tuMib auTwilAw bolhu rwm isK smJweI]
pairee ttu(n)b out(h)aaliaa bolahu raam sikh samajhaaee||
Touching with his feet Ramanand awakened Kabir and told him to speak ‘Ram’, the True spiritual teaching.

ijau lohw pwrsu Cuhy cMdn vwsu inµmu mhkweI]
jio lohaa paaras shhuhae cha(n)dhan vaas ni(n)m mehakaaee||
As the iron touched by philosopher’s stone becomes gold and the margosa tree (Azadirachta indica) is made fragrant by sandal.

psU pryqhu dyv kir pUry siqgur dI vifAweI]
pasoo paraethahu dhaev kar poorae sathigur dhee vaddiaaee||
The wondrous Guru turns even animals and ghosts into angels.

Acrj no Acrju imlY ivsmwdY ivsmwdu imlweI]
acharaj no acharaj milai visamaadhai visamaadh milaaee||
Meeting the wondrous Guru the disciple wonderfully merges into the great wondrous Lord.

Jrxw Jrdw inJrhu gurmuiK bwxI AGV GVweI]
jharanaa jharadhaa nijharahu guramukh baanee agharr gharraaee||
Then from the Self springs a fountain and the words of the Gurmukhs shape a beautiful form

rwm kbIrY Bydu n BweI ]15]
raam kabeerai bhaedh n bhaaee ||15||
Now Ram and Kabir became identical.(15)

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