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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Kamaljeet Singh - Satgur Guni Nidhaan Hai Kamaljeet Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Tuhi Tuhi admin


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 26

siqgur guxI inDwnu hY gux kir bKsY AvguixAwry]
sathigur gunee nidhhaan hai gun kar bakhasai avaguniaarae||
The True Guru is the store house of virtues who out of his benevolence blesses even the wicked ones.

siqguru pUrw vYdu hY pMjy rog AswD invwry]
sathigur pooraa vaidh hai pa(n)jae rog asaadhh nivaarae||
The True Guru is a perfect physician who cures all the five chronic ailments.

suK swgru gurudyau hY suK dy myil ley duiKAwry]
sukh saagar gurudhaeo hai sukh dhae mael leae dhukhiaarae||
Guru is ocean of pleasures who happily absorbs in him the sufferers.

gur pUrw inrvYru hY inµdk doKI bymuK qwry]
gur pooraa niravair hai ni(n)dhak dhokhee baemukh thaarae||
The perfect Guru is away from enmity and He liberates even the slanderers, envious ones and the apostates.

guru pUrw inrBau sdw jnm mrx jm frY auqwry]
gur pooraa nirabho sadhaa janam maran jam ddarai outhaarae||
The perfect Guru is fearless who always dispels the fear of transmigration and Yama, the God of death.

siqguru purKu sujwxu hY vfy Ajwx mugD insqwry]
sathigur purakh sujaan hai vaddae ajaan mugadhh nisathaarae||
The True Guru is that enlightened one who saves ignorant fools and even the unknown ones.

siqguru AwgU jwxIAY bwh pkiV AMDly auDwry]
sathigur aagoo jaaneeai baah pakarr a(n)dhhalae oudhhaarae||
The True Guru is known as such a leader who catching hold from the arm takes the blind also cross (the world ocean).

mwxu inmwxy sd bilhwry ]19]
maan nimaanae sadh balihaarae ||19||
I am sacrifice unto that True Guru show is the pride of humble ones.(19)

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