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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
11 - Atamras 2004 - Gursikhi Da Bholara - Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Various Atamras 2004 makkarjs


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 28

gur isKI dw bolxw huie imT bolw ilKY n lyKY]
gur sikhee dhaa bolanaa hue mit(h) bolaa likhai n laekhai||
In the Sikh life one speaks mildly and never gets oneself noticed i.e. ego is rejected.

gur isKI dw clxw clY BY ivic lIqy ByKY]
gur sikhee dhaa chalanaa chalai bhai vich leethae bhaekhai||
Maintaining the Sikh form and moving in the fear of the Lord constitute the Sikh way of living.

gur isKI dw rwhu eyhu gurmuiK cwl clY so dyKY]
gur sikhee dhaa raahu eaehu guramukh chaal chalai so dhaekhai||
Sikh living means following the footsteps of Gurmukh.

Gwil Kwie syvw krY gur aupdysu Avysu ivsyKY]
ghaal khaae saevaa karai gur oupadhaes avaes visaekhai||
One should eat the fruit of one’s own labour, do service and should always remain inspired by the teachings of the Guru.

Awpu gxwie n ApVY Awpu gvwey rUp n ryKY]
aap ganaae n aparrai aap gavaaeae roop n raekhai||
The supreme Lord is not attained through egotism and only after losing the sense of ego one can identify oneself from the formless and limitless Lord.

murdy vWgu murId hoie gur gorI viV AlK AlyKY]
muradhae vaa(n)g mureedh hoe gur goree varr alakh alaekhai||
A disciple becoming like a dead person and entering into the guru-grave can merge in that imperceptible Lord who is beyond all writs.

AMqu n mMqu n syK sryKY ]6]
a(n)th n ma(n)th n saekh saraekhai ||6||
Sesanags could not understand the mystery of His mantra.(6)

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