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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Ravinder Singh - Satgur Paas Benantiyan Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Satgur Paas Benantiyan nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 242

siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathinaam karathaa purakh guraprasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

rwgu gauVI pUrbI CMq mhlw 1 ]
raag gourree poorabee shha(n)th mehalaa 1 ||
Raag Gauree Poorbee, Chhant, First Mehla:

muMD rYix duhylVIAw jIau nId n AwvY ]
mu(n)dhh rain dhuhaelarreeaa jeeo needh n aavai ||
For the bride, the night is painful; sleep does not come.

sw Dn dublIAw jIau ipr kY hwvY ]
saa dhhan dhubaleeaa jeeo pir kai haavai ||
The soul-bride has grown weak, in the pain of separation from her Husband Lord.

Dn QIeI dubil kMq hwvY kyv nYxI dyKey ]
dhhan thheeee dhubal ka(n)th haavai kaev nainee dhaekheae ||
The soul-bride is wasting away, in the pain of separation from her Husband; how can she see Him with her eyes?

sIgwr imT rs Bog Bojn sBu JUTu ikqY n lyKey ]
seegaar mit(h) ras bhog bhojan sabh jhoot(h) kithai n laekheae ||
Her decorations, sweet foods, sensuous pleasures and delicacies are all false; they are of no account at all.

mY mq jobin grib gwlI duDw QxI n Awvey ]
mai math joban garab gaalee dhudhhaa thhanee n aaveae ||
Intoxicated with the wine of youthful pride, she has been ruined, and her breasts no longer yield milk.

nwnk sw Dn imlY imlweI ibnu ipr nId n Awvey ]1]
naanak saa dhhan milai milaaee bin pir needh n aaveae ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, when He causes her to meet Him; without Him, sleep does not come to her. ||1||

muMD inmwnVIAw jIau ibnu DnI ipAwry ]
mu(n)dhh nimaanarreeaa jeeo bin dhhanee piaarae ||
The bride is dishonored without her Beloved Husband Lord.

ikau suKu pwvYgI ibnu aur Dwry ]
kio sukh paavaigee bin our dhhaarae ||
How can she find peace, without enshrining Him in her heart?

nwh ibnu Gr vwsu nwhI puChu sKI shylIAw ]
naah bin ghar vaas naahee pushhahu sakhee sehaeleeaa ||
Without her Husband, her home is not worth living in; go and ask your sisters and companions.

ibnu nwm pRIiq ipAwru nwhI vsih swic suhylIAw ] scu min sjn sMqoiK mylw gurmqI shu jwixAw ]
bin naam preeth piaar naahee vasehi saach suhaeleeaa || sach man sajan sa(n)thokh maelaa guramathee sahu jaaniaa ||
Without Naam, the Name of the Lord, there is no love and affection; but with her True Lord, she abides in peace. Through mental truth and contentment, union with the True Friend is attained; through the Guru's Teachings, the Husband Lord is known.

nwnk nwmu n CofY sw Dn nwim shij smwxIAw ]2]
naanak naam n shhoddai saa dhhan naam sehaj samaaneeaa ||2||
O Nanak, that soul-bride who does not abandon the Naam, is intuitively absorbed in the Naam. ||2||

imlu sKI shylVIho hm ipru rwvyhw ]
mil sakhee sehaelarreeho ham pir raavaehaa ||
Come, O my sisters and companions - let's enjoy our Husband Lord.

gur puiC ilKaugI jIau sbid snyhw ]
gur pushh likhougee jeeo sabadh sanaehaa ||
I will ask the Guru, and write His Word as my love-note.

sbdu swcw guir idKwieAw mnmuKI pCuqwxIAw ]
sabadh saachaa gur dhikhaaeiaa manamukhee pashhuthaaneeaa ||
The Guru has shown me the True Word of the Shabad. The self-willed manmukhs will regret and repent.

inkis jwqau rhY AsiQru jwim scu pCwixAw ]
nikas jaatho rehai asathhir jaam sach pashhaaniaa ||
My wandering mind became steady, when I recognized the True One.

swc kI miq sdw nauqn sbid nyhu nvylE ]
saach kee math sadhaa nouthan sabadh naehu navaelou ||
The Teachings of Truth are forever new; the love of the Shabad is forever fresh.

nwnk ndrI shij swcw imlhu sKI shylIho ]3]
naanak nadharee sehaj saachaa milahu sakhee sehaeleeho ||3||
O Nanak, through the Glance of Grace of the True Lord, celestial peace is obtained; let's meet Him, O my sisters and companions. ||3||

myrI ieC punI jIau hm Gir swjnu AwieAw ]
maeree eishh punee jeeo ham ghar saajan aaeiaa ||
My desire has been fulfilled - my Friend has come to my home.

imil vru nwrI mMglu gwieAw ]
mil var naaree ma(n)gal gaaeiaa ||
At the Union of husband and wife, the songs of rejoicing were sung.

gux gwie mMglu pRyim rhsI muMD min EmwhE ]
gun gaae ma(n)gal praem rehasee mu(n)dhh man oumaahou ||
Singing the songs of joyful praise and love to Him, the soul-bride's mind is thrilled and delighted.

swjn rhMsy dust ivAwpy swcu jip scu lwhE ]
saajan reha(n)sae dhusatt viaapae saach jap sach laahou ||
My friends are happy, and my enemies are unhappy; meditating on the True Lord, the true profit is obtained.

kr joiV sw Dn krY ibnqI rYix idnu ris iBMnIAw ]
kar jorr saa dhhan karai binathee rain dhin ras bhi(n)neeaa ||
With her palms pressed together, the soul-bride prays, that she may remain immersed in the Love of her Lord, night and day.

nwnk ipru Dn krih rlIAw ieC myrI puMnIAw ]4]1]
naanak pir dhhan karehi raleeaa eishh maeree pu(n)neeaa ||4||1||
O Nanak, the Husband Lord and the soul-bride revel together; my desires are fulfilled. ||4||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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