This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 245
gauVI mhlw 3 ]
gourree mehalaa 3 ||
Gauree, Third Mehla:
kwmix hir ris byDI jIau hir kY shij suBwey ]
kaaman har ras baedhhee jeeo har kai sehaj subhaaeae ||
The soul-bride is pierced through with the sublime essence of the Lord, in intuitive peace and poise.
mnu mohin moih lIAw jIau duibDw shij smwey ]
man mohan mohi leeaa jeeo dhubidhhaa sehaj samaaeae ||
The Enticer of hearts has enticed her, and her sense of duality has been easily dispelled.
duibDw shij smwey kwmix vru pwey gurmqI rMgu lwey ]
dhubidhhaa sehaj samaaeae kaaman var paaeae guramathee ra(n)g laaeae ||
Her sense of duality has been easily dispelled, and the soul-bride obtains her Husband Lord; following the Guru's Teachings, she makes merry.
iehu srIru kUiV kusiq BirAw gl qweI pwp kmwey ]
eihu sareer koorr kusath bhariaa gal thaaee paap kamaaeae ||
This body is filled to overflowing with falsehood, deception and the commission of sins.
gurmuiK Bgiq ijqu shj Duin aupjY ibnu BgqI mYlu n jwey ]
guramukh bhagath jith sehaj dhhun oupajai bin bhagathee mail n jaaeae ||
The Gurmukh practices that devotional worship, by which the celestial music wells up; without this devotional worship, filth is not removed.
nwnk kwmix iprih ipAwrI ivchu Awpu gvwey ]1]
naanak kaaman pirehi piaaree vichahu aap gavaaeae ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride who sheds selfishness and conceit from within, is dear to her Beloved. ||1||
kwmix ipru pwieAw jIau gur kY Bwie ipAwry ]
kaaman pir paaeiaa jeeo gur kai bhaae piaarae ||
The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru.
rYix suiK suqI jIau AMqir auir Dwry ]
rain sukh suthee jeeo a(n)thar our dhhaarae ||
She passes her life-night sleeping in peace, enshrining the Lord in her heart.
AMqir auir Dwry imlIAY ipAwry Anidnu duKu invwry ]
a(n)thar our dhhaarae mileeai piaarae anadhin dhukh nivaarae ||
Enshrining Him deep within her heart night and day, she meets her Beloved, and her pains depart.
AMqir mhlu ipru rwvy kwmix gurmqI vIcwry ]
a(n)thar mehal pir raavae kaaman guramathee veechaarae ||
Deep within the mansion of her inner being, she enjoys her Husband Lord, reflecting upon the Guru's Teachings.
AMimRqu nwmu pIAw idn rwqI duibDw mwir invwry ]
a(n)mrith naam peeaa dhin raathee dhubidhhaa maar nivaarae ||
She drinks deeply of the Nectar of the Naam, day and night; she conquers and casts off her sense of duality.
nwnk sic imlI sohwgix gur kY hyiq Apwry ]2]
naanak sach milee sohaagan gur kai haeth apaarae ||2||
O Nanak, the happy soul-bride meets her True Lord, through the Infinite Love of the Guru. ||2||
Awvhu dieAw kry jIau pRIqm Aiq ipAwry ]
aavahu dhaeiaa karae jeeo preetham ath piaarae ||
Come, and shower Your Mercy upon me, my most Darling, Dear Beloved.
kwmix ibnau kry jIau sic sbid sIgwry ]
kaaman bino karae jeeo sach sabadh seegaarae ||
The soul-bride offers her prayers to You, to adorn her with the True Word of Your Shabad.
sic sbid sIgwry haumY mwry gurmuiK kwrj svwry ]
sach sabadh seegaarae houmai maarae guramukh kaaraj savaarae ||
Adorned with the True Word of Your Shabad, she conquers her ego, and as Gurmukh, her affairs are resolved.
juig juig eyko scw soeI bUJY gur bIcwry ]
jug jug eaeko sachaa soee boojhai gur beechaarae ||
Throughout the ages, the One Lord is True; through the Guru's Wisdom, He is known.
mnmuiK kwim ivAwpI moih sMqwpI iksu AwgY jwie pukwry ]
manamukh kaam viaapee mohi sa(n)thaapee kis aagai jaae pukaarae ||
The self-willed manmukh is engrossed in sexual desire, and tormented by emotional attachment. With whom should she lodge her complaints?
nwnk mnmuiK Qwau n pwey ibnu gur Aiq ipAwry ]3]
naanak manamukh thhaao n paaeae bin gur ath piaarae ||3||
O Nanak, the self-willed manmukh finds no place of rest, without the most Beloved Guru. ||3||
muMD ieAwxI BolI inguxIAw jIau ipru Agm Apwrw ]
mu(n)dhh eiaanee bholee niguneeaa jeeo pir agam apaaraa ||
The bride is foolish, ignorant and unworthy. Her Husband Lord is Unapproachable and Incomparable.
Awpy myil imlIAY jIau Awpy bKsxhwrw ]
aapae mael mileeai jeeo aapae bakhasanehaaraa ||
He Himself unites us in His Union; He Himself forgives us.
Avgx bKsxhwrw kwmix kMqu ipAwrw Git Git rihAw smweI ]
avagan bakhasanehaaraa kaaman ka(n)th piaaraa ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaaee ||
The soul-bride's Beloved Husband Lord is the Forgiver of sins; He is contained in each and every heart.
pRym pRIiq Bwie BgqI pweIAY siqguir bUJ buJweI ]
praem preeth bhaae bhagathee paaeeai sathigur boojh bujhaaee ||
The True Guru has made me understand this understanding, that the Lord is obtained through love, affection and loving devotion.
sdw Anµid rhY idn rwqI Anidnu rhY ilv lweI ]
sadhaa ana(n)dh rehai dhin raathee anadhin rehai liv laaee ||
She remains forever in bliss, day and night; she remains immersed in His Love, night and day.
nwnk shjy hir vru pwieAw sw Dn nau iniD pweI ]4]3]
naanak sehajae har var paaeiaa saa dhhan no nidhh paaee ||4||3||
O Nanak, that soul-bride who obtains the nine treasures, intuitively obtains her Husband Lord. ||4||3||
This translation is an updated version.