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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Ghar Laal Aya Piyara Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Wadhaian admin
06 - Harjinder Singh - Hau Man Arpi Sabh Tan Arpi Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Deen Daiyal Bharose Tere HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 247

rwgu gauVI CMq mhlw 5
raag gourree shha(n)th mehalaa 5
Raag Gauree, Chhant, Fifth Mehla:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

myrY min bYrwgu BieAw jIau ikau dyKw pRB dwqy ]
maerai man bairaag bhaeiaa jeeo kio dhaekhaa prabh dhaathae ||
My mind has become sad and depressed; how can I see God, the Great Giver?

myry mIq sKw hir jIau gur purK ibDwqy ]
maerae meeth sakhaa har jeeo gur purakh bidhhaathae ||
My Friend and Companion is the Dear Lord, the Guru, the Architect of Destiny.

purKo ibDwqw eyku sRIDru ikau imlh quJY aufIxIAw ]
purakho bidhhaathaa eaek sreedhhar kio mileh thujhai ouddeeneeaa ||
The One Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is the Master of the Goddess of Wealth; how can I, in my sadness, meet You?

kr krih syvw sIsu crxI min Aws drs inmwxIAw ]
kar karehi saevaa sees charanee man aas dharas nimaaneeaa ||
My hands serve You, and my head is at Your Feet. My mind, dishonored, yearns for the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

swis swis n GVI ivsrY plu mUrqu idnu rwqy ]
saas saas n gharree visarai pal moorath dhin raathae ||
With each and every breath, I think of You, day and night; I do not forget You, for an instant, even for a moment.

nwnk swirMg ijau ipAwsy ikau imlIAY pRB dwqy ]1]
naanak saari(n)g jio piaasae kio mileeai prabh dhaathae ||1||
O Nanak, I am thirsty, like the rainbird; how can I meet God, the Great Giver? ||1||

iek ibnau krau jIau suix kMq ipAwry ]
eik bino karo jeeo sun ka(n)th piaarae ||
I offer this one prayer - please listen, O my Beloved Husband Lord.

myrw mnu qnu moih lIAw jIau dyiK clq qumwry ]
maeraa man than mohi leeaa jeeo dhaekh chalath thumaarae ||
My mind and body are enticed, beholding Your wondrous play.

clqw qumwry dyiK mohI audws Dn ikau DIrey ]
chalathaa thumaarae dhaekh mohee oudhaas dhhan kio dhheereae ||
Beholding Your wondrous play, I am enticed; but how can the sad, forlorn bride find contentment?

guxvMq nwh dieAwlu bwlw srb gux BrpUrey ]
gunava(n)th naah dhaeiaal baalaa sarab gun bharapooreae ||
My Lord is Meritorious, Merciful and Eternally Young; He is overflowing with all excellences.

ipr dosu nwhI suKh dwqy hau ivCuVI buirAwry ]
pir dhos naahee sukheh dhaathae ho vishhurree buriaarae ||
The fault is not with my Husband Lord, the Giver of peace; I am separated from Him by my own mistakes.

ibnvMiq nwnk dieAw Dwrhu Gir Awvhu nwh ipAwry ]2]
binava(n)th naanak dhaeiaa dhhaarahu ghar aavahu naah piaarae ||2||
Prays Nanak, please be merciful to me, and return home, O my Beloved Husband Lord. ||2||

hau mnu ArpI sBu qnu ArpI ArpI siB dysw ]
ho man arapee sabh than arapee arapee sabh dhaesaa ||
I surrender my mind, I surrender my whole body; I surrender all my lands.

hau isru ArpI iqsu mIq ipAwry jo pRB dyie sdysw ]
ho sir arapee this meeth piaarae jo prabh dhaee sadhaesaa ||
I surrender my head to that beloved friend, who brings me news of God.

AripAw q sIsu suQwin gur pih sMig pRBU idKwieAw ]
arapiaa th sees suthhaan gur pehi sa(n)g prabhoo dhikhaaeiaa ||
I have offered my head to the Guru, the most exalted; He has shown me that God is with me.

iKn mwih sglw dUKu imitAw mnhu icMidAw pwieAw ]
khin maahi sagalaa dhookh mittiaa manahu chi(n)dhiaa paaeiaa ||
In an instant, all suffering is removed. I have obtained all my mind's desires.

idnu rYix rlIAw krY kwmix imty sgl AMdysw ]
dhin rain raleeaa karai kaaman mittae sagal a(n)dhaesaa ||
Day and night, the soul-bride makes merry; all her anxieties are erased.

ibnvMiq nwnku kMqu imilAw loVqy hm jYsw ]3]
binava(n)th naanak ka(n)th miliaa lorrathae ham jaisaa ||3||
Prays Nanak, I have met the Husband Lord of my longing. ||3||

myrY min Andu BieAw jIau vjI vwDweI ]
maerai man anadh bhaeiaa jeeo vajee vaadhhaaee ||
My mind is filled with bliss, and congratulations are pouring in.

Gir lwlu AwieAw ipAwrw sB iqKw buJweI ]
ghar laal aaeiaa piaaraa sabh thikhaa bujhaaee ||
My Darling Beloved has come home to me, and all my desires have been satisfied.

imilAw q lwlu gupwlu Twkuru sKI mMglu gwieAw ]
miliaa th laal gupaal t(h)aakur sakhee ma(n)gal gaaeiaa ||
I have met my Sweet Lord and Master of the Universe, and my companions sing the songs of joy.

sB mIq bMDp hrKu aupijAw dUq Qwau gvwieAw ]
sabh meeth ba(n)dhhap harakh oupajiaa dhooth thhaao gavaaeiaa ||
All my friends and relatives are happy, and all traces of my enemies have been removed.

Anhq vwjy vjih Gr mih ipr sMig syj ivCweI ]
anehath vaajae vajehi ghar mehi pir sa(n)g saej vishhaaee ||
The unstruck melody vibrates in my home, and the bed has been made up for my Beloved.

ibnvMiq nwnku shij rhY hir imilAw kMqu suKdweI ]4]1]
binava(n)th naanak sehaj rehai har miliaa ka(n)th sukhadhaaee ||4||1||
Prays Nanak, I am in celestial bliss. I have obtained the Lord, the Giver of peace, as my Husband. ||4||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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