This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 261
pauVI ]
pourree ||
lUx hrwmI gunhgwr bygwnw Alp miq ]
loon haraamee gunehagaar baegaanaa alap math ||
The sinner is unfaithful to himself; he is ignorant, with shallow understanding.
jIau ipMfu ijin suK dIey qwih n jwnq qq ]
jeeo pi(n)dd jin sukh dheeeae thaahi n jaanath thath ||
He does not know the essence of all, the One who gave him body, soul and peace.
lwhw mwieAw kwrny dh idis FUFn jwie ]
laahaa maaeiaa kaaranae dheh dhis dtoodtan jaae ||
For the sake of personal profit and Maya, he goes out, searching in the ten directions.
dyvnhwr dwqwr pRB inmK n mnih bswie ]
dhaevanehaar dhaathaar prabh nimakh n manehi basaae ||
He does not enshrine the Generous Lord God, the Great Giver, in his mind, even for an instant.
lwlc JUT ibkwr moh ieAw sMpY mn mwih ]
laalach jhoot(h) bikaar moh eiaa sa(n)pai man maahi ||
Greed, falsehood, corruption and emotional attachment - these are what he collects within his mind.
lµpt cor inMdk mhw iqnhU sMig ibhwie ]
la(n)patt chor ni(n)dhak mehaa thinehoo sa(n)g bihaae ||
The worst perverts, thieves and slanderers - he passes his time with them.
quDu BwvY qw bKis lYih Koty sMig Kry ]
thudhh bhaavai thaa bakhas laihi khottae sa(n)g kharae ||
But if it pleases You, Lord, then You forgive the counterfeit along with the genuine.
nwnk BwvY pwrbRhm pwhn nIir qry ]52]
naanak bhaavai paarabreham paahan neer tharae ||52||
O Nanak, if it pleases the Supreme Lord God, then even a stone will float on water. ||52||