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Sikh Sangeet - Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) - Salok Mahalla 2
Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) - Salok Mahalla 2
Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar)
Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Genre: Shabad Gurbani Kirtan

Album Info:
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)

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01 - Tajvinder Singh - Jinni Naam Dhiaeya   408/1227

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jinni Naam Dhiaeya Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 1
Playtime: 482.72 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 8:03
File Size: 7725263 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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02 - Tajvinder Singh - Jis Pyare Seo   672/901

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jis Pyare Seo Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 2
Playtime: 253.73 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:14
File Size: 4061433 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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03 - Tajvinder Singh - Jo Sir Saayin Na Nive   587/834

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jo Sir Saayin Na Nive Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 3
Playtime: 216.11 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:36
File Size: 3459571 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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04 - Tajvinder Singh - Dende Thavoh   562/631

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Dende Thavoh Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 4
Playtime: 601.86 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 10:02
File Size: 9631575 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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05 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Hukam Pchanke   563/789

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Hukam Pchanke Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 5
Playtime: 347.82 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:48
File Size: 5566922 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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06 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Kahe Siyaniye   413/632

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Kahe Siyaniye Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 6
Playtime: 371.23 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:11
File Size: 5941413 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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07 - Tajvinder Singh - Sei Poore Shaha   430/548

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Sei Poore Shaha Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 7
Playtime: 447.95 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 7:28
File Size: 7168959 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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08 - Tajvinder Singh - Othe Amrit Wandiye   404/619

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Othe Amrit Wandiye Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 8
Playtime: 534.88 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 8:55
File Size: 8559927 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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09 - Tajvinder Singh - Paon Guru Pani Pita   378/600

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Paon Guru Pani Pita Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 9
Playtime: 509.15 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 8:29
File Size: 8148237 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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10 - Tajvinder Singh - Akhin Dekh Na Rajjian   309/722

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Akhin Dekh Na Rajjian Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 10
Playtime: 400.25 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:40
File Size: 6405766 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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11 - Tajvinder Singh - Sab Kish Tis-he Rajae   333/536

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Sab Kish Tis-he Rajae Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 11
Playtime: 437.16 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 7:17
File Size: 6996342 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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12 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Parkhe Aap Kao   316/500

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Parkhe Aap Kao Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 12
Playtime: 368.46 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:08
File Size: 5899538 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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13 - Tajvinder Singh - Karan Kaaran Samrath   245/500

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Karan Kaaran Samrath Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 13
Playtime: 201.74 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:22
File Size: 3229694 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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14 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Tan Pat Janiye   287/463

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Tan Pat Janiye Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 14
Playtime: 405.05 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:45
File Size: 6482670 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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15 - Tajvinder Singh - Tin Kao Kya Updesiyai   289/451

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Tin Kao Kya Updesiyai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 15
Playtime: 162.53 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:43
File Size: 2602337 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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16 - Tajvinder Singh - Ete Chaanan Hodeyan   235/484

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Ete Chaanan Hodeyan Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 16
Playtime: 135.03 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:15
File Size: 2162226 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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17 - Tajvinder Singh - Ehu Jag Sachai Ki   271/484

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Ehu Jag Sachai Ki Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 17
Playtime: 349.13 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:49
File Size: 5587819 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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18 - Tajvinder Singh - Houmai Ehaa Jaat Hai   276/425

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Houmai Ehaa Jaat Hai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 18
Playtime: 396.46 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:36
File Size: 6345162 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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19 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Tan Ka Das Hai   345/499

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Tan Ka Das Hai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 19
Playtime: 209.14 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:29
File Size: 3347976 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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20 - Tajvinder Singh - Ek Krisnang Sarab Deva   200/401

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Ek Krisnang Sarab Deva Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 20
Playtime: 253.13 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:13
File Size: 4051819 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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21 - Tajvinder Singh - Eh Khnehi Aaski   240/407

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Eh Khnehi Aaski Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 21
Playtime: 202.74 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:23
File Size: 3245576 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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22 - Tajvinder Singh - Salaam Jabaab   179/417

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Salaam Jabaab Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 22
Playtime: 206.86 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:27
File Size: 3311614 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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23 - Tajvinder Singh - Aap Gawae Sewa Kare   253/451

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Aap Gawae Sewa Kare Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 23
Playtime: 270.52 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:31
File Size: 4330180 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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24 - Tajvinder Singh - Jo Jie Hoi   237/372

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jo Jie Hoi Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 24
Playtime: 181.11 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:01
File Size: 2899506 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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25 - Tajvinder Singh - Sahib Seti Hukam   168/409

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Sahib Seti Hukam Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 25
Playtime: 331.57 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:32
File Size: 5306951 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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26 - Tajvinder Singh - Naal Eane Dosti   248/409

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Naal Eane Dosti Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 26
Playtime: 102.40 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 1:42
File Size: 1642624 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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27 - Tajvinder Singh - Hoe Eana Kare Kamm   176/382

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Hoe Eana Kare Kamm Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 27
Playtime: 141.61 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:22
File Size: 2267552 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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28 - Tajvinder Singh - Eh Khnehi Chakri   216/365

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Eh Khnehi Chakri Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 28
Playtime: 139.91 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:20
File Size: 2240384 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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29 - Tajvinder Singh - Kis Nu Kahiyai Nanka   159/470

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Kis Nu Kahiyai Nanka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 29
Playtime: 222.69 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:43
File Size: 3564897 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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30 - Tajvinder Singh - Kirat Thakke De   216/385

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Kirat Thakke De Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 30
Playtime: 225.07 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:45
File Size: 3602931 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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31 - Tajvinder Singh - Kaaj Sawaaranhaar   212/453

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Kaaj Sawaaranhaar Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 31
Playtime: 170.95 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:51
File Size: 2736920 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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32 - Tajvinder Singh - Raat Kaaran   177/341

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Raat Kaaran Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 32
Playtime: 127.43 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:07
File Size: 2040600 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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33 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Karaj Saar   219/383

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Karaj Saar Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 33
Playtime: 197.12 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:17
File Size: 3155715 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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34 - Tajvinder Singh - Manhatth Taraf   199/318

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Manhatth Taraf Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 34
Playtime: 226.74 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:47
File Size: 3629681 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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35 - Tajvinder Singh - Jina Bhau   194/319

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jina Bhau Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 35
Playtime: 334.34 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:34
File Size: 5351255 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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36 - Tajvinder Singh - Turde Kou Turda Milai   194/368

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Turde Kou Turda Milai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 36
Playtime: 309.16 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:09
File Size: 4948342 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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37 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Tina Basant Hai   171/575

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Tina Basant Hai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 37
Playtime: 203.10 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:23
File Size: 3251428 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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38 - Tajvinder Singh - Mileai Milia Na Milai   188/348

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Mileai Milia Na Milai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 38
Playtime: 184.53 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:05
File Size: 2954259 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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39 - Tajvinder Singh - Kis Hi Koi Koe   137/337

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Kis Hi Koi Koe Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 39
Playtime: 276.72 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:37
File Size: 4429237 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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40 - Tajvinder Singh - Jan Sukh Taan   183/309

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jan Sukh Taan Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 40
Playtime: 200.75 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:21
File Size: 3213811 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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41 - Tajvinder Singh - Jap Tap Sab Kish   130/341

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jap Tap Sab Kish Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 41
Playtime: 151.90 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 2:32
File Size: 2432228 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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42 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Andha Hoi Kai   156/332

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Andha Hoi Kai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 42
Playtime: 242.16 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:02
File Size: 3876277 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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43 - Tajvinder Singh - Andhe Sei Nanka   169/313

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Andhe Sei Nanka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 43
Playtime: 366.39 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:06
File Size: 5864091 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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44 - Tajvinder Singh - Sahib Andha Jo Kiya   231/334

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Sahib Andha Jo Kiya Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 44
Playtime: 406.96 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:47
File Size: 6513181 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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45 - Tajvinder Singh - Nanak Chinta Mat Karhu   230/563

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nanak Chinta Mat Karhu Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 45
Playtime: 423.63 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 7:04
File Size: 6779839 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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46 - Tajvinder Singh - Tisai Aggai Nanka   195/316

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Tisai Aggai Nanka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 46
Playtime: 182.31 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:02
File Size: 2918732 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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47 - Tajvinder Singh - Gur Kunji   106/329

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Gur Kunji Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 47
Playtime: 295.63 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:56
File Size: 4731839 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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48 - Tajvinder Singh - Aap Opaye Nanaka   150/335

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Aap Opaye Nanaka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 48
Playtime: 368.20 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:08
File Size: 5892930 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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49 - Tajvinder Singh - Shah Chale Wanjareya   143/338

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Shah Chale Wanjareya Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 49
Playtime: 281.47 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:41
File Size: 4505305 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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50 - Tajvinder Singh - Jin Wadeayee Tere Naam Ki   106/396

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jin Wadeayee Tere Naam Ki Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 50
Playtime: 269.48 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:29
File Size: 4313462 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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51 - Tajvinder Singh - Keeta Kya Salahiyai   131/356

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Keeta Kya Salahiyai Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 51
Playtime: 306.00 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:06
File Size: 4897769 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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52 - Tajvinder Singh - Jo Tis Bhaavai Nanka   146/388

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Jo Tis Bhaavai Nanka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 52
Playtime: 398.60 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:39
File Size: 6379434 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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53 - Tajvinder Singh - Nadar Tinna Kou Nanka   136/338

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Nadar Tinna Kou Nanka Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 53
Playtime: 226.17 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:46
File Size: 3620486 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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54 - Tajvinder Singh - Amrit Baani Tat Wakhaani   92/346

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Amrit Baani Tat Wakhaani Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 54
Playtime: 416.94 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 6:57
File Size: 6672842 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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55 - Tajvinder Singh - Veida Veid Suveid Tu   138/338

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Veida Veid Suveid Tu Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 55
Playtime: 239.07 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:59
File Size: 3826957 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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56 - Tajvinder Singh - Sawan Aaya He Sakhi   233/667

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Sawan Aaya He Sakhi Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 56
Playtime: 235.52 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:56
File Size: 3770115 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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57 - Tajvinder Singh - Naao Phakeerai Paatshaahu   158/358

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Artist: Tajvinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Title: Naao Phakeerai Paatshaahu Album: Salok Mahalla 2
Comment: Genre: Shabad Kirtan Track Number: 57
Playtime: 190.25 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 3:10
File Size: 3045792 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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