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Sikh Sangeet - Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) - Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) - Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal)
Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Genre: Gurmat Vichar

Album Info:
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)

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01 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 01   1768/3847

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 01 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 1
Playtime: 1839.02 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 30:39
File Size: 11036298 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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02 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 02   1491/2612

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 02 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 2
Playtime: 1735.39 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:55
File Size: 10414532 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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03 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 03   1197/2103

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 03 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 3
Playtime: 1179.69 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 19:40
File Size: 7080315 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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04 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 04   1121/1981

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 04 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 4
Playtime: 1640.80 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 27:21
File Size: 9846996 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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05 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 05   981/1871

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 05 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 5
Playtime: 1640.80 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 27:21
File Size: 9846996 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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06 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 06   884/1776

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 06 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 6
Playtime: 1433.94 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 23:54
File Size: 8605814 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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07 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 07   765/1647

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 07 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 7
Playtime: 1498.15 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 24:58
File Size: 8991067 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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08 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 08   793/1777

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 08 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 8
Playtime: 1771.57 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 29:32
File Size: 10631609 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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09 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 09   742/1575

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 09 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 9
Playtime: 1480.02 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 24:40
File Size: 8882294 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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10 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 10   656/1669

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 10 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 10
Playtime: 1734.35 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:54
File Size: 10408263 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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11 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 11   677/1580

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 11 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 11
Playtime: 1724.34 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:44
File Size: 10348233 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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12 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 12   635/1545

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 12 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 12
Playtime: 1316.60 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 21:57
File Size: 7901761 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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13 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 13   626/1472

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 13 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 13
Playtime: 1563.90 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 26:04
File Size: 9385569 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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14 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 14   597/1494

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 14 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 14
Playtime: 1633.10 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 27:13
File Size: 9800759 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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15 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 15   570/1554

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 15 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 15
Playtime: 1508.02 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 25:08
File Size: 9050313 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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16 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 16   524/1416

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 16 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 16
Playtime: 1559.14 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 25:59
File Size: 9357043 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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17 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 17   547/1520

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 17 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 17
Playtime: 1693.34 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:13
File Size: 10162189 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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18 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 18   515/1450

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 18 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 18
Playtime: 1516.49 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 25:16
File Size: 9101095 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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19 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 19   491/1383

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 19 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 19
Playtime: 1124.44 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 18:44
File Size: 6748821 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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20 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 20   475/1381

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 20 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 20
Playtime: 1837.95 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 30:38
File Size: 11029872 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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21 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 21   481/1336

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 21 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 21
Playtime: 1819.32 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 30:19
File Size: 10918120 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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22 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 22   434/1326

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 22 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 22
Playtime: 1557.84 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 25:58
File Size: 9349206 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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23 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 23   454/1328

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 23 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 23
Playtime: 1621.79 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 27:02
File Size: 9732893 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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24 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 24   446/1318

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 24 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 24
Playtime: 1590.65 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 26:31
File Size: 9546065 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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25 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 25   399/1294

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 25 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 25
Playtime: 1486.42 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 24:46
File Size: 8920694 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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26 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 26   427/1301

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 26 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 26
Playtime: 1733.28 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:53
File Size: 10401836 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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27 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 27   417/1241

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 27 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 27
Playtime: 1522.05 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 25:22
File Size: 9134480 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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28 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 28   397/1258

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 28 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 28
Playtime: 1337.23 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 22:17
File Size: 8025582 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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29 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 29   392/1243

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 29 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 29
Playtime: 1819.38 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 30:19
File Size: 10918434 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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30 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 30   399/1319

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 30 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 30
Playtime: 1625.99 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 27:06
File Size: 9758127 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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31 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 31   378/1292

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 31 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 31
Playtime: 1712.64 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:33
File Size: 10278016 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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32 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 32   383/1297

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 32 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 32
Playtime: 1737.22 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 28:57
File Size: 10425503 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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33 - Giani Thakur Singh - Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 33   437/1599

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Artist: Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala Wale Damdami Taksal) Title: Asa Ki Vaar Vyakhya Part 33 Album: Katha Asa Ki Vaar
Comment: Genre: Gurmat Veechar Track Number: 33
Playtime: 1249.54 secs Bitrate: 48000 Playtime String: 20:50
File Size: 7499423 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 22050
Encoder Options: CBR48 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (3 votes)
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