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Sikh Sangeet - Harbhajan Singh - Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Harbhajan Singh - Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Artist: Harbhajan Singh
Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Genre: Gurbani Ucharan

Album Info:
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)

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01 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 001-016   1540/4571

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 001-016 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 1
Playtime: 2586.44 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:06
File Size: 31037871 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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02 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 016-033   690/1689

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 016-033 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 2
Playtime: 3063.41 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 51:03
File Size: 36761508 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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03 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 033-049   454/1149

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 033-049 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 3
Playtime: 2636.70 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:57
File Size: 31640986 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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04 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 049-065   420/980

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 049-065 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 4
Playtime: 2546.78 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:27
File Size: 30562024 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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05 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 065-084   402/866

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 065-084 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 5
Playtime: 2551.80 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:32
File Size: 30622210 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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06 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 084-100   358/780

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 084-100 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 6
Playtime: 2564.34 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:44
File Size: 30772675 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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07 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 100-115   359/687

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 100-115 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 7
Playtime: 2560.81 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:41
File Size: 30730357 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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08 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 115-131   321/635

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 115-131 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 8
Playtime: 2538.71 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:19
File Size: 30465162 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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09 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 131-145   328/623

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 131-145 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 9
Playtime: 2562.01 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:42
File Size: 30744777 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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10 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 145-161   322/604

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 145-161 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 10
Playtime: 2573.14 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:53
File Size: 30878315 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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11 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 161-177   305/567

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 161-177 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 11
Playtime: 2658.69 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:19
File Size: 31904927 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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12 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 177-192   293/542

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 177-192 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 12
Playtime: 2648.58 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:09
File Size: 31783614 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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13 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 192-208   300/550

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 192-208 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 13
Playtime: 2597.90 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:18
File Size: 31175484 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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14 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 208-224   277/525

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 208-224 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 14
Playtime: 2728.23 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 45:28
File Size: 32739382 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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15 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 224-242   282/491

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 224-242 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 15
Playtime: 2528.39 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:08
File Size: 30341342 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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16 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 242-247   284/489

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 242-247 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 16
Playtime: 848.82 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 14:09
File Size: 10186514 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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17 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 247-260   288/500

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 247-260 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 17
Playtime: 2344.83 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 39:05
File Size: 28138592 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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18 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 260-279   291/481

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 260-279 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 18
Playtime: 2645.60 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:06
File Size: 31747879 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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19 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 279-296   276/488

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 279-296 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 19
Playtime: 2684.63 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:45
File Size: 32216202 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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20 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 296-297   298/499

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 296-297 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 20
Playtime: 218.36 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 3:38
File Size: 2620930 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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21 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 297-313   276/436

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 297-313 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 21
Playtime: 2478.71 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:19
File Size: 29745123 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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22 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 313-330   271/441

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 313-330 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 22
Playtime: 2728.07 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 45:28
File Size: 32737502 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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23 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 330-346   268/426

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 330-346 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 23
Playtime: 2425.94 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 40:26
File Size: 29111915 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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24 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 346-365   260/437

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 346-365 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 24
Playtime: 2600.75 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:21
File Size: 31209652 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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25 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 365-384   267/388

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 365-384 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 25
Playtime: 2594.25 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:14
File Size: 31131598 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
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26 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 384-401   265/391

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 384-401 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 26
Playtime: 2564.15 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:44
File Size: 30770481 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
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27 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 401-419   264/401

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 401-419 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 27
Playtime: 2599.34 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:19
File Size: 31192724 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
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28 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 419-437   267/386

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 419-437 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 28
Playtime: 2691.11 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:51
File Size: 32293942 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
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29 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 437-455   264/429

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 437-455 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 29
Playtime: 2590.72 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:11
File Size: 31089280 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
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30 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 455-470   262/379

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 455-470 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 30
Playtime: 2669.74 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:30
File Size: 32037524 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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31 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 470-486   272/369

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 470-486 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 31
Playtime: 2527.45 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:07
File Size: 30330057 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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32 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 486-503   260/382

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 486-503 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 32
Playtime: 2581.52 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:02
File Size: 30978938 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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33 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 503-520   267/378

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 503-520 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 33
Playtime: 2605.43 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:25
File Size: 31265763 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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34 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 520-539   255/403

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 520-539 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 34
Playtime: 2598.74 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:19
File Size: 31185515 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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35 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 539-555   263/366

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 539-555 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 35
Playtime: 2580.22 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:00
File Size: 30963265 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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36 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 555-572   259/367

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 555-572 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 36
Playtime: 2531.19 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:11
File Size: 30374883 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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37 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 572-588   267/358

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 572-588 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 37
Playtime: 2615.69 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:36
File Size: 31388956 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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38 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 588-605   255/359

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 588-605 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 38
Playtime: 2617.86 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:38
File Size: 31414974 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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39 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 605-621   274/342

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 605-621 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 39
Playtime: 2611.77 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:32
File Size: 31341936 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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40 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 621-637   255/366

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 621-637 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 40
Playtime: 2599.13 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:19
File Size: 31190217 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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41 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 637-653   253/332

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 637-653 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 41
Playtime: 2596.47 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:16
File Size: 31158243 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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42 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 653-669   261/334

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 653-669 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 42
Playtime: 2607.52 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:28
File Size: 31290840 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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43 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 669-685   244/342

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 669-685 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 43
Playtime: 2567.81 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:48
File Size: 30814367 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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44 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 685-702   248/336

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 685-702 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 44
Playtime: 2603.34 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:23
File Size: 31240685 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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45 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 702-718   249/356

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 702-718 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 45
Playtime: 2577.71 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:58
File Size: 30933172 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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46 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 718-735   258/347

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 718-735 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 46
Playtime: 2674.31 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 44:34
File Size: 42789629 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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47 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 735-752   258/347

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 735-752 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 47
Playtime: 2662.01 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 44:22
File Size: 42592771 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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48 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 752-769   263/326

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 752-769 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 48
Playtime: 2588.03 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:08
File Size: 31056992 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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49 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 769-785   260/326

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 769-785 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 49
Playtime: 2612.06 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:32
File Size: 31345384 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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50 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 785-801   270/324

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 785-801 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 50
Playtime: 2556.89 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:37
File Size: 30683337 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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51 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 801-817   257/321

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 801-817 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 51
Playtime: 2584.03 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:04
File Size: 31009031 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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52 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 817-833   259/320

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 817-833 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 52
Playtime: 2620.19 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:40
File Size: 31442873 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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53 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 833-848   256/298

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 833-848 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 53
Playtime: 2592.84 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:13
File Size: 31114671 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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54 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 848-864   248/297

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 848-864 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 54
Playtime: 2566.92 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:47
File Size: 30803709 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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55 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 864-881   265/335

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 864-881 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 55
Playtime: 2626.19 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:46
File Size: 31514971 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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56 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 881-897   248/292

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 881-897 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 56
Playtime: 2616.06 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:36
File Size: 31393345 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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57 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 897-902   248/324

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 897-902 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 57
Playtime: 891.51 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 14:52
File Size: 10698723 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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58 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 902-917   249/310

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 902-917 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 58
Playtime: 2552.16 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:32
File Size: 30626599 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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59 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 917-929   252/322

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 917-929 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 59
Playtime: 2416.93 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 40:17
File Size: 29003768 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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60 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 929-944   236/299

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 929-944 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 60
Playtime: 2617.42 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:37
File Size: 31409645 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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61 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 944-959   240/304

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 944-959 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 61
Playtime: 2564.70 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:45
File Size: 30777064 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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62 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 959-974   259/321

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 959-974 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 62
Playtime: 2555.79 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:36
File Size: 30670171 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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63 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 974-991   252/308

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 974-991 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 63
Playtime: 2621.36 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:41
File Size: 31456979 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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64 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 991-1008   307/303

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 991-1008 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 64
Playtime: 2628.78 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:49
File Size: 31546004 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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65 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1008-1023   249/295

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1008-1023 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 65
Playtime: 2575.28 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:55
File Size: 30904019 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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66 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1023-1039   244/314

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1023-1039 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 66
Playtime: 2637.24 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:57
File Size: 31647568 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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67 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1039-1056   260/283

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1039-1056 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 67
Playtime: 2651.30 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:11
File Size: 31816215 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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68 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1056-1072   247/321

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1056-1072 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 68
Playtime: 2550.96 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 42:31
File Size: 40816026 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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69 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1072-1089   280/315

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1072-1089 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 69
Playtime: 2567.65 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 42:48
File Size: 41083102 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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70 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1089-1102   257/307

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1089-1102 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 70
Playtime: 2554.38 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:34
File Size: 30653244 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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71 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1102-1110   245/337

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1102-1110 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 71
Playtime: 1633.20 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 27:13
File Size: 19599059 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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72 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1110-1125   246/297

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1110-1125 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 72
Playtime: 1975.25 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 32:55
File Size: 23703627 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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73 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1125-1133   243/274

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1125-1133 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 73
Playtime: 1482.21 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 24:42
File Size: 17787206 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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74 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1133-1148   236/300

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1133-1148 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 74
Playtime: 2641.03 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:01
File Size: 31693022 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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75 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1148-1163   246/297

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1148-1163 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 75
Playtime: 2498.38 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:38
File Size: 29981165 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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76 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1163-1178   235/310

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1163-1178 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 76
Playtime: 2692.96 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 44:53
File Size: 43088052 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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77 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1178-1193   239/287

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1178-1193 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 77
Playtime: 2574.89 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:55
File Size: 30899317 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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78 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1193-1208   247/292

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1193-1208 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 78
Playtime: 2502.92 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:43
File Size: 30035709 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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79 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1208-1222   243/288

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1208-1222 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 79
Playtime: 2642.73 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:03
File Size: 31713397 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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80 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1222-1236   247/307

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1222-1236 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 80
Playtime: 2610.96 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 43:31
File Size: 41776078 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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81 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1236-1250   233/318

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1236-1250 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 81
Playtime: 2582.73 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:03
File Size: 30993358 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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82 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1250-1265   239/305

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1250-1265 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 82
Playtime: 2606.97 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:27
File Size: 31284257 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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83 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1265-1279   269/306

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1265-1279 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 83
Playtime: 2672.07 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 44:32
File Size: 42753685 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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84 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1279-1293   231/308

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1279-1293 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 84
Playtime: 2542.24 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:22
File Size: 30507480 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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85 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1293-1308   236/326

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1293-1308 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 85
Playtime: 2570.37 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 42:50
File Size: 30845087 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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86 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1308-1323   245/317

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1308-1323 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 86
Playtime: 2587.09 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:07
File Size: 31045707 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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87 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1323-1338   258/330

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1323-1338 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 87
Playtime: 2611.62 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:32
File Size: 31340055 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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88 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1338-1353   247/318

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1338-1353 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 88
Playtime: 2515.41 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:55
File Size: 30185547 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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89 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1353-1367   253/467

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1353-1367 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 89
Playtime: 2655.19 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 44:15
File Size: 31862922 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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90 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1367-1382   255/343

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1367-1382 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 90
Playtime: 2630.19 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 43:50
File Size: 31562932 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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91 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1382-1396   240/361

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1382-1396 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 91
Playtime: 2463.27 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:03
File Size: 29559862 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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92 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1396-1409   270/354

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1396-1409 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 92
Playtime: 2494.01 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 41:34
File Size: 29928816 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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93 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1409-1411   257/338

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1409-1411 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 93
Playtime: 221.88 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 3:42
File Size: 2663248 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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94 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1411-1423   262/335

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1411-1423 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 94
Playtime: 2405.69 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 40:06
File Size: 28868976 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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95 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1423-1430   312/367

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1423-1430 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 95
Playtime: 1529.65 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 25:30
File Size: 18356466 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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96 - Harbhajan Singh - Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1430   310/443

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Artist: Harbhajan Singh Title: Santhiya Paath Guru Granth Sahib Ji 1430 Album: Guru Granth Sahib Ji Shudh Ucharan
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 96
Playtime: 807.71 secs Bitrate: 96000 Playtime String: 13:28
File Size: 9693113 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR96 Compression Ratio: 0.06803
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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